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Весь контент @SND

  1. @SND

    Cp Lf Clan

    cyka blyat
  2. @SND

    Cp Lf Clan

  3. @SND

    Cp Lf Clan

  4. @SND

    Cp Lf Clan

    Hey yo guys, 7-9 people looking for clan to have fun. We are trying to join one, because we want more action on epics/bosses/everyday pvp,etc. We are already like full gear on mages/archers (can also cc), and we hope to find at least one guy to speak and tell us just were to port. We already have played with russians clans,cps and sides so we know how to play and we can help you too. Here are some fraps from us: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rqC85caJDUA http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2i013g Pm here, or ingame nick: Rias/ Yolo/ Jokertwoface/ Jokerino.
  5. @SND

    Seekndestroy Recruiting

    /up recruiting 2 archers and 1 bp
  6. @SND

    Seekndestroy Recruiting

  7. @SND

    Seekndestroy Recruiting

    Recruit 2 archers and 1 skilled bp thanks
  8. @SND

    2 Bp Lf Cp Na Start

    english speaking?
  9. @SND

    Seekndestroy Recruiting

    looking for 1 good bp /up
  10. @SND

    Seekndestroy Recruiting

  11. @SND

    Seekndestroy Recruiting

  12. @SND

    Seekndestroy Recruiting

    Hello guys we will join this server to have some fun we are looking for 2-3 guys to fill our group. If you are a english speaking player and u search for a international group juts a drop a pm on the forum. Thanks spacibo
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