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Hello guys.
I try to log in server but i  cant while in the past i could log in normally.

I tried to download the game again,the patch,closed anti-virus,everything but nothing works.

My screen stucks where i choose the server,before i see my characters. 

Any solutions? 

P.S. i dont speak Russian guys.Thank you in advance.

В 21.02.2024 в 13:00, Notorius92 сказал:

Hello guys.
I try to log in server but i  cant while in the past i could log in normally.

I tried to download the game again,the patch,closed anti-virus,everything but nothing works.

My screen stucks where i choose the server,before i see my characters. 

Any solutions? 

P.S. i dont speak Russian guys.Thank you in advance.

try vpn service 

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