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Достижения No0BaKiKiLLeR


Gargoyle (3/8)



  1. i found it but 1col=1.24 *** xD thats overkill xDDD
  2. is it possible to donate via sms from greece? couz i see only russian numbers
  3. so we have to find paypal or visa..ok thnx we will find something
  4. everything is on english now thnx a lot but as greeks we have one major problem on donate. in greece we use only PAYSAFECARD for donates in the rest of the UE is paypal visa or other systems is it possible to add PAYSAFECARD on donate payment options?
  5. its ok i dont say to rush i just admire your work its amazing i never saw such a well made server before
  6. btw that menu is really help full you dont have to use bot/exploits i cant wait for tommorow to see npcs and donate shop
  7. wow.. thats amazing thats way too fast..im amazed by your speed guys..THANK YOU SO MUCH and dont forget the donate shop we will need if for sure xD
  8. you are best of the best the emotion was EPIC AHAHAHAHAHAHAH :DDDDDDD
  9. wow..that was way too fast you must have one of the fastest dev teams in l2.. and best admin i ever saw thanks a lot for you time and attention.. its the first time in my 10year exp in l2.. that admin answer to random ppl on forums and acts so fast..thats just amazing
  10. if i could suggest you dont have to translate the MAIN npcs of the game.. just make one Donate shop in english.. so we can donate and how we can donate.one gm shop and one buffer.. just put those 3 npc in one corner of giran or goddard ;p so you dont have to change your main towns or anything one one tiny corner for us
  11. i have to thank you for the site translation that was fast i hope you can find time to translate NPCs on english patch
  12. well it would be nice if our schools could teach us russian but greece is greece you know the rest ;p well we will try to play for 1 week if we can learn the npcs and what they do.. thats fine but if we cant.. sadly we will have to leave and we really dont want to leave your server is really good and well made your server have small english speaking players couz of the npcs ;p if the npcs was in english they would be much larger thats for sure but anyway thnx for your time and your attention we hope you can find time for us too
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